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Dé Céadaoin, Samhain 29, 2006

quiz time!!!



At 8:28 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

cholera fyi

At 10:43 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

of dysentary of course.

At 10:57 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

My uncle Gene died of an untreated case of climetia - it started with a case of shingles that were ignored as he thought it was a rash then he caught climetia....and died

At 10:57 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

um...of rubella of course

At 10:59 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

trench mouth

At 11:43 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

there sure are a lot of things that happen to peepz's uncles


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