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Dé Luain, Samhain 27, 2006

I Need a Haircut. Seriously...

Does anyone remember the Play-Doh barbershop? My only memory is using a toothpick to poke out all of the hair holes after they became clogged with dried dough. Hmmm...


At 8:08 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear guest blogger,
There has been a monor mis-spelling in your title. Please correct it as the integrity of your work is being compromised.

At 8:09 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

and by monor I mean minor

At 12:48 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are seriously wrong..... a little too phallic

At 7:38 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart those hair squigglez that come out. Point taken anonymous #1.


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