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Dé Máirt, Samhain 28, 2006


At 8:35 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

um....where's the level that represents the chronic over achievers who actaully run the company and are undercompensated, unloved and mildly abused?????
This layer is critical to the survival of any company.

At 8:45 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - blog surfing from Montana here. Your blog is so nice, I mean SO nice!!! Very cool, and inspirational for me as I am a divorced handicapped lesbian vietnam vet graphic tattoo artist with 2 kids. Needless to say I will take nice inspiration anywhere I can get it. Keep up the nice work.....Anyhow, regarding your triangle I believe this specific example is a nice representaion of our male dominated society and all of its problems. Thank you for making a nice & clear black/white expression that nice simple folks like me can understand!!!!
I am going to use this as an exapmle at my book club tonite.
Our book this month is "The 5 People Meet in Heaven" Obviously you understand why I want to use your triangle for our meeting.!
Have a nice day.


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