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Déardaoin, Samhain 30, 2006

reader poll: my monster name/icon

i think i need this for gaming and stuff

which one is a better fit???

the green lady?

Poisonous Insanity-Consumed Kitten-Yoking, Person-Injuring Creature from the Knobby Yonder

Get Your Monster Name

or the thing from lilo and stitch?

Poisonous Insanity-Consumed Kitten-Yoking, Person-Injuring Creature from the Knobby Yonder

Get Your Monster Name


At 1:54 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green Lady

At 10:01 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

green lady

At 12:21 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

um.....i think they are both beneath you


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