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Dé Céadaoin, Samhain 08, 2006


New reader poll:
Will they serve the real Diet Coke or the IMPOSTER Coke Light in Montreal??


At 10:02 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this would be a great addition to this blog. Follow link to see the best toy ever made. Check out the size of this thing...39Hx42Wx20D". 'Picky' could get the minature pony she has always wanted. She won't even have to worry about feeding it. Her ears wiggle, her eyes blink and her tail swishes; she even "eats" her carrot and makes real pony sounds
Comes with carrot, brush and special adoption certificate

At 7:34 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

where's the part where I make up to $800 for internet surfing?

At 7:38 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

I'm ordering that pony RIGHT NOW!!!

This quote sealed the deal!!!
"You can here some of the motor movement, but the cute factor overpowers it"

At 7:41 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


they won't let me write a review until 24 hrs after i purchase it.

At 7:43 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

oh yeah


it's been a crazy day for comments.

At 7:44 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

BTW I think the Coke Lite formula is slightly different

At 8:16 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coke Light has 1 CALORIE
That is BS
I demand an immediate boycott

At 9:31 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

Thanks you.

Can you get some boycott coke lite shirts done up @ cafepress?

I would but I'm "on the road"


At 8:27 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god!
Picky can now have a "real" friend?

At 9:00 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

Swear to gawd,

I just wrote a text message that said

"I'm starting to think that I don't have any real relationships outside the internets"

At 9:21 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Это - это!
Тихая обработка(лечение) начинается в эту секунду!


At 11:45 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

i can't read russian

but i'm guessing i can make $800 surfing the web righ?

At 1:58 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9:02 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

is very nice


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