myth slayerz!!!
How do medieval-themed restaurants get it wrong?
Myth No. 1: Medieval food was bland.Myth No. 2: Medieval chefs were lousy when it came to presentation.
Myth No. 3: Medieval feasts were merely big
Myth No. 4: Medieval feasters ate off pewter plates.
Myth No. 6: Medieval feasters ate in set courses.
Myth No. 7: Medieval people ate food they couldn't possibly have eaten.
Umm I have always wondered why medieval restaurants and fairs always serve those giant turkey legs. Turkeys weren't known in Europe in the dark ages, They are American in origin. I don't think turkeys made it back into Europe until the Rennisance, which although often confused with the medieval era actually occurred about 800 years earlier...
darmak + gilard at tanagra,
in my extensive travels, SCA experience, and autodidactic mystikal quests,i have found renaissance fayres serving turkey wings as a "renaissance" treat imported from the new worlds.
there's no excuse for the so called medieval tymes making such a gross error. they should serve fly laden gruel only.
The actual name is "The Epic of Gilgamesh"
It makes me SOOOOOO mad when people don't get things right!
Medeival Times Post.
They serve Toaster Streudel as dessert
Dear anony mouse
I think "codename:gilgamesh" is double referrent as it were, to both a moderately obscure study from project blackscope's (aka bionic unit alpha) work on physical/robotic body enhancements and the "EPIC OF GILGAMESH" that you guzzled down in HS.
It's just a guess!!!
This post proves you are super smart regarding "The Epic of Gilgamesh" and only moderatly smart regarding robotic body movements
Don't blame me
Blame the google machine!!!
And X-tian rock.
It also proves that they really need to add spell check to the comments section
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