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Dé Luain, Deireadh Fómhair 30, 2006

Trouble in Paradise!!287C892C9DB59E5C!155.entry

Someone is trying to steal Ponies thunder!

July 28
Who loves miniature ponies?!
What could be better than a full suit? Well, miniature ponies, silly! I first discovered these creatures a few years back when my mom and I saw one on the tv show 20/20. Lots of people don't know that miniature ponies are now being used in place of guide dogs. They are tinker tiny, highly intelligent and trainable, they live two to three times as long as dogs and they are SUPER cute! The one on tv was named Cuddles and he had the sweetest little shaggy coat ever. His owner loved him like crazy because of the freedom he brought to his life, but also for his faithful friendship. Cuddles had to wear special leather pony shoes so that his hooves would not slip on the floors of malls and things. He rides in the bulkhead of airplanes, eats Cheerios and snuggles with his human companion in a bed. The owner decided that Cuddles needed his own tiny barn, so that he wouldn't lose touch with his poniness. When Cuddles was released into his little paddock and saw that barn, he bucked and jumped with such joy. It was so precious that my mom and I cried for about fifteen minutes. Someday I'm going to have my own miniature pony. Mrs. P and I tried to convince Ellen that we needed a pony for Cornerstone. We thought it could have a little wagon that people could put their things in like a cart, or that could be used to transport goods from the back room to the floor. We were going to call him Garreth. But, no dice. Then Kamille stole our Pony name for her cat. My mom took Sally and I to Wolfe Island one time to meet the miniature pony of a friend of hers from work. He was named Suntan and he had beautiful bangs. Sally didn't want to touch him because he was muddy, but she did compliment him on his bangs.

· 11:33 PM
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well, i am really excited that you have put mini ponies on your blog, the world needs to be more educated about these tiny equine delights. i'm still pretty upset that ellen wouldn't let us get our own pony, i know in my heart that customers would have been quite thrilled to have garreth pull their items in his tiny cart or gently take their credit card with his teeth. plus he would be useful when we had arrogant pricks in there, he could just back right up and wham! pony kick them in the teeth. who wouldn't want to hear the innocent whinny of a mini pony?
July 29 9:30 PM(


At 10:30 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

requisite threats have been sent

At 1:08 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

This post is exhausting, even for the blogger.


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