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Dé Domhnaigh, Deireadh Fómhair 29, 2006

41-6-72 Right-of-way between vehicles - Unregulated intersection.
(1) The operator of a vehicle approaching an intersection not regulated by an official traffic-control device shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle that has entered the intersection from a different highway.
(2) Except as specified in Subsections (3) and (4), when more than one vehicle enters or approaches an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time and the intersection:
(a) is not regulated by an official traffic-control device;
(b) is not regulated because the traffic-control signal is inoperative; or
(c) is regulated from all directions by stop signs, the operator of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right unless otherwise directed by a peace officer.


At 10:19 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...


there's some weird law in Utah.
go figure.

as it turns out, no one cares.

At 12:25 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing i hate about this rule is that what if there are four of you at a four way stop? then there is always someone to your right and left & no one ever knows whether to go or not, in such situations i generally just go, figuring, hey, they're not going to hit me, at least i'm getting the ball rolling

At 5:42 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

dear i luv mormans

thanks for the great info. wonder how he managed to blog from beyond the grave.

i'm looking forward to great things from you blog. please do not turn out to be another stoner island!!!

At 5:43 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

dear anonymous

it seems like in those big west coast cities, everyone defers to the left.

like it's politics or something.

At 6:04 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love a good stimulating conversation about Right of Way.
When can we get started on Yield and speeds during construction zones?

At 8:01 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

the hardest thing about the right of way conversation is being right all the time

At 10:19 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


The right of way is to be given, not taken!!!

At 1:09 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't make me hate you

At 1:01 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

dear ""don't make me hate you""

you owe me $0.0005


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