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Dé Máirt, Deireadh Fómhair 17, 2006

IDEATHON 2006!!!

After some pervy anonymous comments, that made me SERIOUSLY reconsider allowing anonymous posting (and made me think about throwing in the whole blog towel but only a split second), after a sec or two of sole searching, I realized that perversion notwithstanding - I DO NEED SOME NEW IDEAS!!!

I went to work with the upper echelons of my think tankers (big thanks to Petunia et al) to come up with some new ideas:

-"You do the Math" this will be a recurring think piece in the vein of John Stossel's "Give me a Break".

-Puffy Shoes gallery

-Ferrets, more than you wanted to know

-Tretorn Redux

--Tara Reid surgery journal

-Russian + Finnish Raver Scene Reports

-Parachute pants: how many more false starts will we have to endure???

-Rising Militarism - The Gap's Fall 07 line

-Tennis anyone?

-Those Norcal stickers??? How far South can you rock that?

-I'm planning a history of failed talk shows, i.e. Gabrielle Carteris, Charles Grodin, Chevy Chase, Magic Johnson, Tyra and fingers crossed, Megan Mullally

-And I'm even thinking about dipping my foot in the immigration debate cause I seriously can't take another Scandy filled leaf party

-"Looking Good in Overalls", less unusual than you thought

-Adult Science Fairs

-"Depends on the Trends" - a streets-eye view of the latest trend (and by streets-eye I don't mean looking up from the physical perspective of the street you "anonymous" pervs). Think urban, downtown, funky, kind of like a red carpet walk for everyone

-I'm also considering reviving my ever popular, "A Daughter's Perspective", because like every woman, I too am a daughter

Let me know!!! Even anonymouse posters are okay.

Also I'm going to have some contests. Movie reviews?


At 8:31 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really excited by this recurrent "You Do the Math" idea... I was a big fan of "Can Everyone Just Start Being Honest for One Second?"

At 9:03 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you mean adult daughters of remote mothers?

At 10:32 r.n., Blogger denardo said...

As an attorney, I have to counsel you against revealing trade secrets (the Gap's fall line) online.

At 11:04 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

Dear Jim Thorpe

As per your 10:32AM PST comment, please find that I plan only on offering an analysis of fall line notably the continued purveyance of military gear (including but not limited to: soldier jackets and caps, cargo pants, and twills en masse).

Picky Picky under the auspices of will not be granting any "sneak previews" that were not explicitly authorized and/or requested by The Gap, Inc.


PS I call on you for scientific advice and you can at me with your lawyering!!!

PPS I'm just saying!!!


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