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Dé Domhnaigh, Deireadh Fómhair 15, 2006


The leaf pile/maple machiatto party was a smash success.
More details + (hopefully!!!) pics soon.

Gotta hop and get my 9 hours!!!

Also, playing pool is cool and all, but what's the deal with the sticks??? Seriously, do they have to be so big? I think I knocked over at least three Jaeger bombs.

All the youtube gazillionaires hate me now.


At 1:11 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended the maple latte party and all I have to say is..SOMEONE OWES ME $20 BUCKS FOR DRYCLEANING

At 7:26 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

You were supposed to be wearing your smock for the leaf pile!!!

How about you buy me a maple machiatto (double) and we call it even.


At 11:48 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


can you send evites?
or post up event details on yer blog?


At 11:49 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

1999 called
they want their evites.


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