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Déardaoin, Eanáir 04, 2007

I command you to leave comments!!!

It's World Hypnosis Day!
FAIRFIELD -- In observance of the third annual World Hypnotism Day today, local hypnotism professions have scheduled a "stress release" night Friday at MaineGeneral Medical Center.

The event, hosted by Wavelengths Hypnotherapy of Fairfield, is scheduled to run from 6:30-8 p.m. in Dean Auditorium at the Waterville hospital.

There is an optional $5 donation to go to a local food bank.

"With New Year resolutions facing us, the timing is perfect for World Hypnotism Day," Wavelengths' founder Ernest VanDenBossche said.

For information contact VanDenBossche at Wavelengths Hypnotherapy, 453-6133, or on the Web at and


At 8:29 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwack, bwack! (scratch scratch) Bwack, bwack!


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