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Dé Céadaoin, Samhain 22, 2006

READER POLL: What R U Thankful 4????

Here's a visual presentation on SOME of what I'm thankful for!!!

1. DUH!!!

2. DUH #2!!!



At 10:32 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like lady cigarettes.....shhhhh!

At 10:36 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am grateful for Thanksgiving with my kitties!!!!!

At 12:33 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhhmmmm, hi everyone... its me michael richards. you know, television's kramer... i just wanted to say that i'm thankful for the days gone by, when i was typecast as a likeable stooge that eveyone loved. now, well i've made a huge mistake...
you know, i'm hearing your audience laugh, you know...
i'm not even sure that this is where i should be addressing this sitiuation...
i've already heard you make some jokes and that's ok... but, i'm really busted up about this...
i remember the good times when i would stop by picky's flat in midtown... we would go and get a delicious muffin top or a bowl of mulligatawny over at the soup nazi's place...
i'm concerned about the hate, the rage, the anger... there's a great deal of disturbance in this blog and how picky feels about petunia...
anyways, i hope you guys all buy my new dvd and don't forget to call me over the holidays...
i just have to do personal work... the public stuff will have to wait until this all blows over...

At 12:48 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


first of all great feedback!!!

i really thought you showed your tru colors + deeper self in "unstrung heroes" and the jerry show. glad to see you're drawing some strength from that incarnation of your Self. i feel that you're a dynamic and underappreciated character actor that has a lot to offer whether it's in tv, film, radioplays, or maybe even blogwise (hint hint).

i'm sorry that you feel some hostility round these parts. i think you might have misread some of what passes for snappy responses around here as anger. it's probably hard for you since this is sooooo much more lowbrow than you're accustomed to. but you know diff'rent strokes!!!! i'm sure i don't have to tell you that!!!

glad we could have this talk.

omigawd, i feel like i'm the diane sawyer to your mel gibson right now !!!


At 1:01 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we seriosuly talk about why i am grateful....GOSH
Diabetes is no laughing matter, kids. (I'm not accusing you of laughing at diabetes—I'm just saying.) Diabetes affects millions of Americans, and while it can be controlled, there is no cure. I'm thankful to have the less severe form, Type 2, but I could still lose a leg. I'm in no imminent danger of that, but I could, eventually, lose a leg. Or some fingers.

At 1:22 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forgive you for your outburst. it reeks of pain, self loathing, and i suspect a deep rooted hatred for a female authority figure from your past.....i encourage you to seek forgiveness not from me, but from He who really matters. Our Lord Jesus Christ. He's yours too ya know. He can handle alot.
Good luck brother.


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