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Déardaoin, Deireadh Fómhair 19, 2006

I Heart the Internet!!!

I was doing some more internet research on those Russian Felt Boots that are supposedly storming across the steppes of the Urals and Williamsburg to become the new Ugg Boot

And then I came across this awesome site
St. (sounds tasty, but not a food site!!!)

I ordered felt boots (with camo galoshi)

some soviet t-shirts for going out on dates (this is SF after all!!!)

and a pekingnese statue for puppies (kind of a spoils of war)

and this women's email address.
Hey you never know. Maybe I'll get a new email pal, maybe I can import her to help with my chores. That'd be win win. I wish you could buy email addresses/friends from Skymall though, this Russian bidness makes me a little nervious.


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