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Dé Máirt, Deireadh Fómhair 10, 2006

grilled ham and cheese

I just had a grilled ham and cheese. I was starving but could only finish half of it!!!
What's happening to me???


At 8:54 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, Me too!!
Although I only ate 1/4 of my watercress sandwich and I am TOTALLY full

At 8:54 r.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, Me too!!
Although I only ate 1/4 of my watercress sandwich and I am TOTALLY full

At 9:00 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


At 9:01 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...


At 12:29 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, really and truely

At 12:29 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, really and truely

At 1:31 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

double true!

At 1:32 i.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

double true!!!

At 9:10 i.n., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on here???

At 12:37 r.n., Blogger Picky Picky said...

I'll tell you if you ask again


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